December 10, 2015

Bleach 655 - The Miracle

Another chapter of Bleach is out, so let's talk about it.

Spoilers and abnormal growth rates after the cut.

If there's a common thread among the various battles that comprise Bleach as an entity, it's that things tend to be borrowed from elsewhere.

I'm not sure if any of these things are as blatant as Valkyrie's power, The Miracle.

Clearly, this guy is Yammy all over again.  The twist is that the damage incurred upon Valkyrie is directly proportional to his growth.

It's pretty stupid, but then again, so was Yammy.  I mean, what are the shinigami going to do, cast Cure 3 on him?  Toss a Phoenix Down into his gullet?

I guess it depends on which RPG series is Kubo's favorite.  *facepalm*

Dumb jokes aside (warranted, but still dumb), I'm sure we can expect more silliness through the duration of this fight.  The problem we face in the immediate future is the usual Christmas/New Year's break.  If there were any tension whatsoever in this fight, it'd be lengthened to a near-intolerable degree.

Valkyrie's power is impressive; it'd just be more impressive if we hadn't seen it before.

And Byakuya is fighting him!  What are the bloody odds?