March 12, 2014

Bleach 572 - The Blaster

There's a new Bleach chapter out.  So let's talk about it!

Spoilers and (not so) random appearances after the cut.

Just when you think that Yachiru and Isane are up against the wall fighting against an opponent that can will himself to disappear from the minds of the people he's fighting, Kubo introduces another weirdo.  And this weirdo can manifest the power of his imagination to make all sorts of strange shit happen.

Honestly, some of these abilities are just too much.  Even Yachiru's Sanpo Kenjuu shikai just smacks of being ostentatious.

Luckily, since she seems to be incapacitated at the moment, the monster with the largest reiatsu we've seen (I'm guessing) has shown up.  That's right, Kenpachi is back from his sojourn with Unohana (the original Kenpachi).

He now sports a new eyepatch but is missing the bells in his hair.  Still, he's one of the most badass characters in the entire manga.  My hope is that he wasn't forced to learn bankai (a.k.a. the crutch of every shinigami who possesses it) and will just cut Quincy in half with sheer strength.

This one might take a bit more effort, though.  We shall see!

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