September 25, 2014

The Bridge (US) - Season 2, Episode 12 "Quetzalcoatl" Recap

A transitional episode just before the season finale.

Spoilers after the cut.

I find it weird how The Bridge is supposedly a ratings disaster, and yet Episode 12 is basically a placeholder between the much more interesting "Beholder" and season finale "Jubilex".  If this is the last season of the show, shouldn't it be going out with guns blazing?

At any rate, what we had last night was mostly transitional.  Not much of interest happened, but there are things that might point to other things to come in the season finale.

For instance, Fausto tries to negotiate with the Mexican marines, using Romina Cerisola as his coin.  The negotiation appears to work out, but then Fausto is shown along with Obregon, Marco, and Romina, in another car entirely while the car set along the path the Mexican marines opened up as a supposed "safe passage" gets shot up and a body falls out of the driver's side door when it is opened.

And that's basically what Fausto and Marco did in this episode.  Sure, Marco tried to console Romina as she goes through a hellish withdrawal, and Obregon makes some smart comments about addiction, but that's about it for them.

Sonya is still poring over the ledger and trying to figure out its secrets.  It turns out that there are addresses listed among the rather odd drawings and such.  Of course, when she goes to the addresses with Hank, she doesn't find anything, as Eleanor and Cesar are ahead of them.

Frye and Adriana finally cross paths with the cops again.  Of course, what results is that they go to some place in the middle of nowhere with Sonya, and the only thing they find is a flag used by US customs that allows trucks to get through the border easily and without close inspection.

The biggest moment of the episode and possibly the series thus far, occurs pretty late.  Linder has been wanting to do something about Robles for a couple of episodes now.  And even though Eva has stated on a couple of occasions how they could move on and live "happily ever after" or whatnot, rather than pursuing revenge, Linder cannot be denied.  Unfortunately, when he finally takes his chance to kill Robles, he gets shot in the stomach.  If that's the end for Linder, well, it was a long and mostly strange ride.

Next week, as I've made mention, is the season finale.  Of course, if the series doesn't get renewed, it'll be the series finale and we'll have lost out on a fairly unique show that hasn't gotten the credit it deserves.