And for us dedicated readers, another chance to smack ourselves in the face.
Spoilers after the cut.
Oh, goodness.
I'm not sure what other reaction is appropriate. In addition to this ridiculous resurrecting of characters few people could have possibly cared about, there's the end of this chapter.
It's nice that Kurotsuchi admitted to plundering Szayel Apollo's labratory. I've been wondering what the hell he did in there for years.
But seriously, this is the result? He took two outdated arrancar, an outdated Espada, and "Charlotte"? What a waste of time.
Knowing Kubo, I'm sure there's something else up Kurotsuchi's sleeve that he stole from the lab. But c'mon, this is just weak sauce.
And the end of this chapter, yeesh. So now ...whatever her name is... has taken possession of 10th Division Captain Hitsugaya? Ridiculous!
Never mind the fact that he was out of the battle many chapters ago. Whenever it's convenient for a character to be used, Kubo will use him/her and then dump him/her when it suits him.
We can only hope that ...whatever her name is... played her trump card by announcing Hitsugaya's arrival to the battle. If she has any other Captains under her control...well, this battle is about to get even more ridiculous than it already is.